Concepts, Factors, Roles, and Efforts in Increasing Learning Motivation
Motivation, Behavior, Cognitive, Sociocognitive, HumanisticAbstract
Motivation is the deliberate process of stimulating and sustaining the actions of individuals, encouraging them to actively pursue certain outcomes or goals. According to Maslow, human behavior is influenced by motivation and orientation, which are regulated by five levels of a hierarchy of needs, starting from the most basic demands to the highest demands. Some examples of these desires are the need for self-actualization, the need for love and affection, the need for security, and the need for physiological protection. The role of motivation in learning includes stimulating individuals to engage in activities, establishing a course of action, selecting appropriate options, and encouraging desired behavior and actions. Motivation functions as a catalyst for the speed of carrying out a job. The main determinants of motivation include innate and external factors. Learning motivation can be explained through four main theories: behavioral, cognitive, sociocognitive, and humanistic.
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