Manajia: Journal of Education and Management 2024-07-19T04:28:59+00:00 Didik Himmawan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Manajia: Journal of Education and Management</strong> is a peer-reviewed, open access journal publish by Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu that provides articles in all areas of Educational Administration and Management and related disciplines. The scope of Educational Management including leadership, education planning, human resources, education finance, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, public relations, student affairs, learning process, education management, organizations, quality assurance, and education policy.</p> Implementation of Training Management to Improve the Quality of Education and Learning 2024-06-18T19:13:33+00:00 Abdul Fattah Nasution Wardatun Thaibah Marpaung Uswatun Hasanah Sifa Maulida <p>The quality of education/learning is an important factor in achieving national education goals. One effort to improve the quality of education/learning is to implement effective training management. It is hoped that quality training can improve the competence of teachers and other education personnel, thereby having an impact on improving the quality of learning in the classroom. This research aims to analyze the implementation of training management in schools/educational institutions and determine its effect on the quality of education/learning. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that the implementation of training management in schools/educational institutions is still not optimal. This can be seen from several aspects, such as training planning that has not been directed and has not involved all related parties. Furthermore, the implementation of training has not been effective, with methods and materials that do not suit the needs of participants. As well as inadequate evaluation of training, the effectiveness of training in improving the quality of education/learning is not yet known. The findings of this research indicate that improvements need to be made in the implementation of training management in schools/educational institutions. These improvements need to be carried out comprehensively, starting from planning, implementation, to training evaluation. By implementing effective training management, it is hoped that the quality of education/learning in schools/educational institutions can increase.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Fattah Nasution, Wardatun Thaibah Marpaung, Uswatun Hasanah, Sifa Maulida The Role of the Madrasah Head as Leader of the Educational Institution at MTs YP. Ummul Quraa Tembung, District. Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra 2024-06-30T20:18:43+00:00 Fatin Syahirah Makmur Syukri <p>The aim of this research is to explain the role of the headmaster as an educational leader in MTs Yp. Ummul Quraa, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Data were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings of this research emphasize the importance of the headmaster in providing effective leadership, formulating a clear vision, mission, and goals, as well as planning educational activities in accordance with Islamic values. Leadership strategies include selecting qualified students and teachers, using innovative teaching methods, developing relevant curriculum, and conducting regular monitoring and evaluation of educational outcomes. The essence of headmaster leadership involves comprehensive management, positive influence on individuals and groups, and building good relationships with relevant stakeholders. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the role, strategies, and essence of headmaster leadership in improving the quality of education in MTs Yp. Ummul Quraa.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fatin Syahirah, Makmur Syukri Islamic Leadership to Improve the Quality of Islamic Education Institutions at MTs YP. Ummul Quraa Tembung, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency 2024-06-30T20:24:16+00:00 Salwa Nabila Damanik Makmur Syukri <p>The aim of this research is to explain Islamic Leadership to Improve the Quality of Islamic Education Institutions at Mts Yp. Ummul Quraa, the method used in this research is a descriptive research method using qualitative. Data was obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. The findings from this research indicate that improving the quality of Islamic educational institutions, for example, will be greatly influenced by the leadership produced by the people tasked with managing Islamic educational institutions. Islamic leadership includes many features that can be used by leaders of Islamic educational institutions to carry out leadership tasks. Islamic leadership is a concept of balancing worldly leadership with the concept of the afterlife; achieving the organization's ultimate goals is more than just a temporary goal; This requires a strong commitment to Islamic principles, and the task of leadership is not just a humanitarian task that is not accountable outside the members, but must also be accountable before God Almighty.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salwa Nabila Damanik, Makmur Syukri The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 2 Kualuh Selatan, North Labuhan Batu Regency 2024-07-03T11:19:02+00:00 Adinda Julia Putri Makmur Syukri <p>The current principal’s leadership cannot be said to be good because this can be seen from the performance that has not been optimal. Principal leadership plays an important role, but some principals are not able to carry out their duties properly. This of course will greatly affect school activities that have an impact on the quality of education. This study aims to analyze the principal’s leadership in improving the quality of education. This type of research uses literature review which uses 6 articles. The data analysis technique used qualitative analysis. The results showed that the leadership of the principal who had changes was able to improve the quality of education. Change by seeking innovation programs. Improve student management in school culture and discipline it. The principal’s leadership is formed by his nature that gives a sense of comfort to all school members. A good principal is able to cultivate a school culture and discipline, become a work partner, create cooperation among all school members to form a friendly and purposeful school environment. Thus, the leadership of the principal improves the quality of education.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adinda Julia Putri, Makmur Syukri Opportunities and Challenges for Implementing Guidance and Counseling in Junior High Schools in Technological Development 2024-07-18T05:13:30+00:00 Mutia Hafizah Firman Neviyarni S <p>The implementation of guidance and counseling (GC) in junior high schools (SMP) has undergone significant changes with the advancement of technology. This article discusses the opportunities and challenges in modern GC, including the accessibility of services through digital platforms, the personalization of data-based programs, and the development of digital literacy for students and teachers. The challenges faced include the need for adequate technological infrastructure, the digital divide among students, and data privacy risks. This study uses a case study method in several junior high schools in Indonesia. The results show that technology can enhance the effectiveness of GC but requires policy support and continuous training. This article provides recommendations for optimizing technology-based GC in junior high schools.</p> 2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mutia Hafizah, Firman, Neviyarni S The Managerial Capabilities of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Implementing Guidance and Counseling Programs in Schools 2024-07-19T04:28:59+00:00 Chana Indika Firman Neviyarni S <p>This study discusses the managerial skills of guidance and counseling (BK) teachers in the implementation of counseling programs in schools. Managerial skills, effective communication, and in-depth counseling skills are the key aspects analyzed in the context of effective counseling service provision. Collaboration with various parties in the school and the utilization of modern technology are also discussed as improvement factors in the management and accessibility of services. This study utilizes a literature study method or commonly referred to as the literature study method. The results of the study on the managerial skills of guidance and counseling (BK) teachers in the implementation of school counseling programs show that managerial, communication, and counseling skills play an important role in the effectiveness of the BK program. This study reveals that guidance and counseling teachers who have strong managerial skills tend to be able to organize guidance and counseling programs more efficiently, plan activities in accordance with student needs, and manage available resources optimally.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Chana Indika, Firman, Neviyarni S Management Techniques and Behavioral Counseling Procedures in Developing Human Personality 2024-07-07T19:03:32+00:00 Thessia Permata Bunda Netrawati Zadrian Ardi Rahmad Firmansyah Pu’ad Maulana <p>Behavioral counseling is one of the counseling approaches used to change individual behavior. This paper aims to describe how behavioral counseling views humans and personality as well as outline the goals, processes and techniques in behavioral counseling. The method used is a literature review by collecting various information from relevant sources regarding behavioral counseling. With behavioral counseling, clients are expected to create new behaviors, eliminate inappropriate behaviors and strengthen and maintain desired behaviors.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Thessia Permata Bunda, Netrawati, Zadrian Ardi, Rahmad Firmansyah, Pu’ad Maulana Analysis of the Guidance and Counseling Program in Elementary Schools and the Implications for Its Development and Solutions to Problems 2024-07-07T19:08:14+00:00 Pu'ad Maulana Neviyarni S Yarmis Sukur Rahmad Firmansyah Thessia Permata Bunda <p>Primary education lays the foundation for students' social, family and academic environments, creating key moments in the development of a child's personality. Primary education also promotes positive morals and develops students' skills. They quickly develop developmental traits, needs and functions. Activities that support learning in primary schools include creating a healthy learning environment. Teachers who have extensive subject matter knowledge to see and understand students should contribute to creating a healthy learning environment. The teacher in question is also called a guidance and counseling teacher, or school counselor. School counselors and mentors are essential as they help students grow throughout their lives.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pu'ad Maulana, Neviyarni S, Yarmis Sukur, Rahmad Firmansyah, Thessia Permata Bunda Concepts and Materials for Guidance and Counseling Programs in Elementary Schools 2024-07-07T19:10:11+00:00 Rahmad Firmansyah Neviyarni S Yarmis Sukur Pu’ad Maulana Thessia Permata Bunda <p>Elementary school is a formal educational institution for children that aims to produce optimal development in each individual according to their abilities or potential. In realizing its goals, therefore, it is necessary to have integration by all aspects contained in the world of education and one of them is counseling guidance. The method in this research is a literature study is a research that collects a number of literature in the form of books, journals or magazines related to counseling guidance in elementary schools. Teachers who handle problems for students are class teachers and do not have a specific program in counseling guidance services.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmad Firmansyah, Neviyarni S, Yarmis Sukur, Pu’ad Maulana, Thessia Permata Bunda Application of Ki Hajar Dewantara's Arts Education Concept through Art Therapy to Overcome Students' Moral Decadence 2024-07-07T19:12:19+00:00 Maulida Fitri Herman Nirwana Dina Sukma <p>The aim of this research is to provide a reference for teachers and guidance counselors in overcoming the problem of students' decline in moral decadence through the Ki Hajar Dewantara arts education concept. To achieve this goal, this research uses literature or literature review methods. This research collects literature from various books and articles related to the subject discussed. The results of the research show that Ki Hajar Dewantara's concept of arts education is considered suitable for overcoming the problem of students' moral decadence. This is because art produces refinement and order. So that it can improve human values, through developing various aspects of the human self as a whole. Apart from that, it can also develop aspects of children's thoughts, feelings and wills in a balanced way, so that they can develop into complete and happy individuals.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maulida Fitri, Herman Nirwana, Dina Sukma