Journal of Education and Management2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Didik Himmawandidikhimmawan@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Manajia: Journal of Education and Management</strong> is a peer-reviewed, open access journal publish by Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu that provides articles in all areas of Educational Administration and Management and related disciplines. The scope of Educational Management including leadership, education planning, human resources, education finance, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, public relations, student affairs, learning process, education management, organizations, quality assurance, and education policy.</p> of Education in the Independent Learning Curriculum Based on Ki Hajar Dewantara Education2024-10-18T03:11:38+00:00Torly Amora Jofipasitorlyamora@gmail.comHerman Nirwanaherman.talawi@gmail.comDina<p>This article aims to assess the implementation of education in the current Ki Hajar Dewantara education-based independent learning curriculum. The implementation of educational activities has a huge impact on the nation's progress process, the basis for implementing education is the curriculum. The current curriculum in Indonesia is the Independent Curriculum. The Independent Curriculum is an educational innovation in Indonesia that gives schools and teachers the freedom to design and implement learning processes that suit students' needs and potential. In line with this, Ki Hajar Dewantara's education is also a student-centered educational process. In this research, a literature review is used as the research method. The results of the research show that studying the implementation of the Ki Hajar Dewantara education-based Merdeka Curriculum helps in increasing students' creativity, independence and active participation in the learning process. Apart from that, the application of local cultural values in the independent learning curriculum has a positive impact on strengthening students' identity and character. This research makes an important contribution to the development of more relevant and contextual educational policies and teaching practices in Indonesia.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Torly Amora Jofipasi, Herman Nirwana, Dina Sukma, Jon Efendi as the Center of Education According to Ki Hajar Dewantara2024-10-16T16:18:43+00:00Nila Frischa Panzolanilafrischapanzola@gmail.comHerman Nirwanaherman.talawi@gmail.comDina<p>Education in the family is the main foundation for the formation of children's character and intelligence. This article discusses the application of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's educational methods in the family context, emphasizing the importance of the role of parents as primary educators. The family environment is the initial educational environment for every individual because that is where the first education provided by parents, whose position as teacher (guide), lecturer and work leader (example), is very relevant for creating a conducive learning environment at home. Instilling moral and ethical values, direct experience-based learning, and developing children's creativity and independence are methods that can be applied by parents. This article also identifies the challenges families face in the modern era and offers practical solutions to overcome these challenges. With a better understanding of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's educational concept, it is hoped that families can educate their children to become individuals with integrity, intelligence and noble character.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nila Frischa Panzola, Herman Nirwana, Dina Sukma Role of Family Education in the Development of Character According to Ki Hajar Dewantara2024-10-16T16:16:01+00:00Afifahafifahhh1009@gmail.comHerman Nirwanaherman.talawi@gmail.comDina<p>For his achievements in politics and education, Ki Hajar Dewantara is also known as a figure who came up with important ideas in Indonesian national education. Through the concept of "Tamansiswa", he promoted education based on Indonesian cultural and national values. His ideas about education are not only focused on the academic aspect, but also on the character and moral formation of students. Ki Hajar Dewantara encouraged that education should not only be done in schools, but also involve the role of the family. He emphasized the importance of the family as the first environment in shaping children's character. Ethical education became an integral part of his educational vision, where values such as manners, honesty, and respect for others were instilled early on. Establish the purpose of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's life journey and contribution to Indonesian national education. The research method used is the literature method, in which information is collected from various literature sources such as books, scientific reports, and journal articles. Literature research is used to gather relevant information from various sources to support the Influence of Family Education and the Growth of Budi Pekerti According to Ki Hajar Dewantara. . According to Ki Hadjar Dewantara, ethical education is not only about teaching theories of good and bad, but more about the daily practice of good behavior. His concept of education encompasses the five main principles in Pancadarma, which include independence, nationality, humanity, culture and nature. This approach aims to build a strong character, in accordance with Indonesian religious and cultural values.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Afifah, Herman Nirwana, Dina Sukma Role of Guidance and Counseling in Non-Formal Education in Indonesia2024-10-16T16:14:59+00:00Melva Syahrialmelvasyahrial@gmail.comYeni<p>Education is an important human right to be accessed by everyone without exception. One form of education in Indonesia is non-formal education. Non-formal education is one of the main pillars in nation development. Non-formal education in Indonesia also continues to develop and adapt to changing times. Non-formal education is very much needed. In Indonesia, there are various non-formal education programs that can help students who cannot afford to get an education and improve their skills to achieve it. For students who have to help their parents, non-formal education can be the right alternative to continue to receive education and improve their skills, while also helping to ease the burden on their parents. The government is trying to fulfill the right to education for all Indonesian children, including students who are far from access to education. The right to education is a shared responsibility. Various efforts have been made by the government and various parties to provide quality non-formal education for children in remote and outermost areas so they can have an education. Students in non-formal education have diverse needs. They may come from various backgrounds in age, education and life experience. Counseling can help them adjust to new learning environments and overcome specific learning obstacles.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Melva Syahrial, Yeni Karneli, Ifdil, Netrawati's Strategy to Improve Education Quality2024-10-18T03:15:49+00:00Fatimah Azzahra Lubisfazzahralubis@gmail.comMakmur<p>This research examines the principal's strategy in improving the quality of education in schools. The focus of this research is the identification and analysis of effective strategies used by school principals in achieving these goals. This research uses a qualitative approach with case study methods in several leading schools. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis. The research results show that school principals who are successful in improving the quality of education generally implement several main strategies. First, they develop a clear vision and mission and encourage the active participation of all school members in achieving it. Second, they implement school-based management by involving teachers, staff, students and parents in decision making. Third, they focus on teacher professional development through training, workshops and collaboration between teachers to improve the quality of teaching. Fourth, the school principal ensures a conducive learning environment by providing adequate facilities and resources. Fifth, they carry out regular evaluation and monitoring of the teaching and learning process and student performance. The results of this research provide insight for educational practitioners and policy makers in efforts to improve the quality of education in schools. It is hoped that these strategies can become a model for other school principals in carrying out their duties to achieve quality education.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fatimah Azzahra Lubis, Makmur Syukri Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Interpersonal Communication of Students of SMK Negeri 9 Padang2024-10-18T03:13:28+00:00Lastri Werdani<p>This study is motivated by the existence of students who have low self-efficacy and interpersonal communication because they come from children of divorce victims, the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between efficacy and interpersonal communication of broken home students of SMK Negeri 9 Padang. The type of research used in this study is quantitative with correlational research type. The study population amounted to 449 people, with a sample of 88 people taken using purposive sampling technique, the instrument used in data collection in this study was a questionnaire arranged according to the Likert scale model. Data analysis was carried out using a statistical program on the SPSS 20 computer and Microsoft excel. Based on the results of the hypothesis, the value of r count is 0.651 while the value of r table is 0.207 because r count is greater than r table (0.651>0.207), there is a relationship between self-efficacy and interpersonal communication of broken home students of SMK Negeri 9 Padang.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Lastri Werdani Sageileppak’ Perceptions of Premarital Sexual Behavior and its Implications for Guidance Counseling Services at SMKN 9 Padang2024-10-18T03:14:24+00:00Sevira Listia<p>This study aims to identify students' perceptions of premarital sexual behavior and its implications for counseling services at SMK N 9 Padang. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative with a survey approach. The research population consists of 463 students of class XI enrolled in the 2024/2025 academic year, with a sample of 215 students selected using proportionate stratified random sampling. This study aims to measure the following aspects: 1) knowledge about premarital relationships, 2) attitudes towards premarital relationships, and 3) actions related to premarital relationships. The instrument used for data collection in this study is a Likert scale questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 29 statistical software and Microsoft Excel. Based on data analysis, the hypothesis results show that 9 students fall into the very low category with a percentage of 4.2%. Then, 80 students fall into the low category with a percentage of 37.2%. Furthermore, in the fairly high category, there are 114 students with a percentage of 53%, and 12 students in the high category with a percentage of 5.6%. Thus, the majority of students at SMK N 9 Padang fall into the fairly high category with a percentage 53%.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sevira Listia Andini Strategies for Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools to Support Student Achievement2025-01-14T18:05:08+00:00Marpren Sneviyarni@konselor.orgMuhammad Asyraf Che<p>Student achievement is one component of the success of the educational process. BK services have an important role in helping students overcome various obstacles that can interfere with their academic and social achievements. However, this role will not be achieved without a planned and organized management. Using the literature study method, this research analyzes various relevant sources on the management of counseling in schools, including the functions of counseling which include understanding, prevention, development, and problem solving. The results show that effective counseling management involves careful planning, proper organization, implementation in accordance with students' needs, and continuous evaluation. The involvement of various parties in the school, such as teachers, parents, and administration, is very important to create a synergy that supports the implementation of effective counseling services. In addition, the utilization of technology and supporting facilities is also an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of counseling services. This study provides practical recommendations for schools in managing counseling services to improve student achievement, especially in the midst of increasingly complex educational challenges in the modern era.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Marpren Karunia, Firman, Neviyarni S, Muhammad Asyraf Che Amat of Counseling Services in Helping Students Adapt to the Independent Curriculum2025-01-14T18:03:50+00:00Rike Ernawati Sneviyarni@konselor.orgMuhammad Asyraf Che<p>The implementation of Merdeka Curriculum provides new challenges in education, especially for students who must adapt to project-based learning and a more flexible approach. In this context, Guidance and Counseling (BK) services play a strategic role in supporting students to overcome adaptation challenges while optimizing their potential. This research uses the literature study method to analyze the BK service transformation strategies that are relevant to the needs of the Merdeka Curriculum. Data sources include research articles, policy documents, and reports related to the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum and the role of counseling services in schools. The results showed that BK services need to be transformed through technology-based approaches, such as online counseling, student needs surveys, and collaboration between BK teachers, subject teachers, and parents. Other recommended strategies are improving the professional competence of counseling teachers through continuous training and strengthening the integration of counseling services with the dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile. The implementation of these strategies not only helps students adapt to Merdeka Curriculum but also contributes to improving students' independence skills, creativity, and critical thinking ability. With an innovative and collaboration-based approach, counseling services can be a catalyst in creating a learning ecosystem that is more adaptive and supports the maximum development of student potential.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rike Ernawati Sinaga, Firman, Neviyarni S, Muhammad Asyraf Che Amat of Literature: Implementation of Modeling Techniques Information Services to Increase Student Readiness for Vocational School Students for Practice2024-10-18T03:19:14+00:00Ice<p>Students' readiness to face Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) is one indicator of the success of Vocational Schools in carrying out their functions. This research investigates the effectiveness of modeling engineering information services in increasing the readiness of Vocational High School (SMK) students to face Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin). This research method uses a literature study approach to prepare in-depth reviews of various articles and journals that are relevant to this topic. The results of the analysis show that modeling techniques significantly improve students' understanding of the world of work, help them develop practical skills such as communication and time management, and strengthen their confidence in facing challenges in the workplace. In addition, this technique also helps students identify and overcome potential obstacles they may face during internship, as well as prepare them to adapt to different work cultures. The implication of this study is the importance of integrating modeling techniques in the vocational education curriculum to prepare the younger generation to face the dynamic and competitive world of work.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ice Desvikayati, Firman, Netrawati